I recomend The Secret Initiation Of Jesus At Qumran. Also if you are open to hearing both sides of the argument: The Case For the Real Jesus, or mabey it's called The Case for the Historical Jesus by Lee Strobel.
Chris Tann
JoinedPosts by Chris Tann
Books about early Christianity
by EdenOne ini've just finished reading two (imo) great books:.
"a history of christianity - the first three thousand years", by diarmaid macculloch.
"misquoting jesus", by bart ehrman.
To all secret faders who still believe in Christianity
by Chris Tann ini have been fading for six years now.
i only continue to do the minimum to keep my family together and to keep association with close friends.
i would like to hear your experience and how you are getting along.
Chris Tann
Thanx. How can we really know that these verses are talking about Christ literally in each believer and not meaning being absorbed with imitating Jesus in all we do,thus being in him figuratively speaking. Example: the influence and spirit(his motivational force) of a mentor is in his mentored?
To all secret faders who still believe in Christianity
by Chris Tann ini have been fading for six years now.
i only continue to do the minimum to keep my family together and to keep association with close friends.
i would like to hear your experience and how you are getting along.
Chris Tann
Thanks Giveme just... do you know of any good books that describe how the Bible tells us what we need to do to reveal the Christ in us? I will check out your youtube channel as well.
Was the Biblical Canon Directed by God?
by Chris Tann inthis is a question a sincere christian may agonize over after learning that some books of the bible were rejected by certain early christian groups,while other books that did not make the canon were accepted.
also,when one realizes that so called inspired writers of the greek scriptures quote from apocrypha,that most christians reject today,one wonders if these writings that include these quotes should even be in the bible.. it is true that when it comes to the christian greek scriptures the canon has been closed for many centuries.
also, these books have been accepted by christians ever since the second,perhaps first,century.
Chris Tann
To Apognophos:I will take you advice and look further on that site. The Exodus statement "if only we had expired in Egypt" can mean collectively speaking. For example they may have meant if "we" the jews;as in our forefathers had expired in Egypt we today would not be in this horrible plight.
To Humbled: yes you are right, it will always be a mans interpretation. I just favor the best explanation that I can find. However what totally convices me may not convince someone else,and I take that into consideration. That is why I consider myself a Notsurist,and dont demand others to believe what I have concluded.
To Designs: I think the long conclusion of Mark was just another Christian group adding their tradition of what they were taught. It seems to me that the gospels were very fluid when first put out, and each community contributed according to what they were told.
To all secret faders who still believe in Christianity
by Chris Tann ini have been fading for six years now.
i only continue to do the minimum to keep my family together and to keep association with close friends.
i would like to hear your experience and how you are getting along.
Chris Tann
I have been fading for six years now. I only continue to do the minimum to keep my family together and to keep association with close friends. I would like to hear your experience and how you are getting along. After all there is comfort in knowing that others are going through the same as you are. Thanks in advance to all who contibute.
New ExJW here for the first time.
by WideAwake7 ini am here for the first time ...but have enjoyed reading others experiences that i feel i can relate too.
i used to be an elder for more than 20 years .
i have successfully faded with my wife and children.
Chris Tann
Iam still fading,been six yrs. now. However I think most at the wedding will be cordial,and kind to your kids,giving that they were too young to make a decision. What helps me in a situation like this to not feel guilty (the elders and close friends know my position,and the cong. can see that I have slowed down dramatically) is to constantly tell myself that I know the real truth of the matter and they dont. I'm not doing anything wrong, it is just their judgemental,biased untrue beliefs that are going through their minds.I wish you well.
Has anyone actually read the study wt for sun nov 2nd????!!!
by stuckinarut2 ino m g...(yes that is a very childish reaction...but i couldn't think of a more appropriate expression!).
if you haven't yet read it...please do so..... it is so ridiculous!
so leading, so distorted, and full of "bait and switch" techniques.. "prove you have the truth"..by seeing how neutral witnesses were in war times?
Chris Tann
WT uses identifying points "from the Bible" to show people they have the truth. But these are points that THEY have chosen. Any Christan group can choose points from the Bible that they are practicing and say "see, we are the true Christians". Jesus said that we should help the poor, orphans, and widows; well there are alot of Christian organizations that have elaborate programs that do just that. But JW's dont,and they will tell you it's because it's just putting a bandaid on the problem. However Jesus taught his followers to do it ,so JW's must not be the truth.
The point is, dont get fooled into there list of identifying features of true Christianity. It is THEIR list, not the Bibles. The only points I can think of that Jesus said would specifically identify his followers is the love they had for eachother (John 13:34), and the good fruits they produce (Matt.7:16). Of the first point, it is absurd for a JW to assume that they are the only Christian group that has Christlike love,as if other Christian organizations can't figure this out and apply it. I have heard of some churches not having this love and some definitely having it as well as KHs' having it and definitely not having it.
On the second point, there are many churches producing good Christian fruitage. The problem is that JW's can only listen to WT's descriptions of the churches, which are always negative. But the truth of the matter is many churches worldwide are living up to their identity in Christ.
How to Bewilder a Witness!
by The Searcher inask a witness what seems like a simple bible question: "nine verses in the bible tell us that jesus is going to judge the living and the dead.
(john 5:28,29, acts 10:42, acts 17:31, romans 14:9, 2 cor.
5:10, 2 tim.
Chris Tann
They may believe that refers to the spiritualy dead,which is incorrect. Or they may say they will be resurrected and judged based on what they do during the millennium,which is also incorrect. I did a thorough research on the verses Witnesses use to try to prove that when one dies they are "aquited" of their sins and wont be judged by them. I found everyone of them was either taken out of context or irresponsibly interpreted. If anyone is interested in this let me know and I'll post a new thread regarding it. Thanx (free of charge,lol).
Chris Tann
Do Dah? Really?
Was the Biblical Canon Directed by God?
by Chris Tann inthis is a question a sincere christian may agonize over after learning that some books of the bible were rejected by certain early christian groups,while other books that did not make the canon were accepted.
also,when one realizes that so called inspired writers of the greek scriptures quote from apocrypha,that most christians reject today,one wonders if these writings that include these quotes should even be in the bible.. it is true that when it comes to the christian greek scriptures the canon has been closed for many centuries.
also, these books have been accepted by christians ever since the second,perhaps first,century.
Chris Tann
Apognophos: I read your suggestion of contradictions in the Bible. These are clearly two seperate events. You can tell by the contexts. Num. 20:14 says the Israelites try to pass through Edom after the water miracle,while Ex.17:8 says the Amalekites come to the camp of Israel to fight. Therfore at one time God told Moses to strike the rock and another time to speak to it.
Regarding what he wrote about God's holiness; Moses did not bring God holiness because he said he would bring water out of the rock,not God. But water did come out of the rock for all Israel to drink,and in this way God was made holy as vs. 13 implies when saying: " This was the water of Meribah...,and he [God] was hallowed among them."'